Heart for Lebanon

Heart for Lebanon

Heart for Lebanon is a non-denominational Christian organization that was founded in 2006 as a natural response to the devastation left behind after the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel.

The focus is to provide a holistic approach to ministry for people to have a better future. When civil war erupted in Syria in 2011, sending over one million refugees into Lebanon, we began providing holistic care to help refugee families.

We are creating faith-defining experiences that give under resourced families and children the chance to encounter God and grow spiritually.

Our Children at Risk Initiative began to provide the skills needed to help children have a better future. Our Relief and Community Care Initiative began to care for the refugees and poor Lebanese, to build trust through our unconditional service and help them develop community through conversations that include reconciliation and peace building, Bible studies and planting Worship Gatherings (churches) in Lebanon.

Learn more about our projects and discover how you can help make a difference.
